Hi there! 👋
I'm Software Developer from Thailand 🇹🇭
I build a website with Node.js & React.js | Learning Solidity, Rust & Elixir | Crypto & DeFi Newbie. I am curious about everything. 😅
My Thai blog : Devahoy
- Learn and practice English, especially writing skills.
- Learn more about web2 / web3 and anything that interested me.
- Practice and share what's I learned with others.
- Website: built with Next.js using Tailwind Next.js Starter Blog and hosted on Vercel
- Coding Tool: VS Code with Github Dark Theme and sometimes use Neovim
- Terminal: iTerm2 + Powerlevel10k + Oh my zsh
- Note App: Bear App and Good Notes 5 on iPad.
- Project Management: ClickUp and Trello
- Database GUI: Table Plus - GUI Client for Database, e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, etc.
- Chat App: Slack and Discord
- Others: Docker Desktop, asdf, Toggl Track, Express VPN, Brave Browser and Clean My Mac
About me
This photo was taken 5 years ago in Chaing Mai, Thailand, with me on the left? 🤣
and it's me with natural teeth? 🤣